Frequently Asked Question

Price List
Last Updated 4 years ago

Our price lists vary depending on whether the purchase is made on the marketplace platform (eBay, Amazon, etc.) or on our website.
On the website we apply 3 price lists:

  • price list to the public
  • professional price list
  • retailers price list

The aforementioned price lists are customized for each individual item in the catalog; we do not apply discounts in flat rates.
We also evaluate on a case-by-case basis whether to apply a more favorable price list in the event of appreciable supply requests upon request by email.
If you have a VAT number, you can ask us for an indefinite activation of the professional list which provides a first level of discounts, simply fill in the request that you find in our ticket support system after you have ever registered. We will enable you to view the discounts in the shortest possible time.

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